
Time is always moving forward.

But are you?

You may occasionally think about what else might be possible in life, but if you are like most women, most of your time is spent just living the life you have.

When we feel stuck or dissatisfied, we most often believe it’s due to circumstances in our lives, both past and present.

But everything changes when we change.

You have a God-given authority over your life. You have been given the authority to choose AND to change.

In fact, our life in Him is all about change. And none of this is dependent on the circumstances of your life. It’s always available when you choose.

And this is what a coach does.

A coach helps you decide what to choose and how to live in that choice.

Coaching Intensives

  • Jesus gave us this promise:

    “Come to me, all you who labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:28–29.

    This promise is for you. As you follow the Biblical path to understanding, and you receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Your heart will learn how to let Jesus carry your burden. This is not counseling but rather a map to a future that leaves the past behind.

    Break Free includes 8 one-on-one coaching sessions following an ordered Biblical curriculum for shedding the burden of heartache, unforgiveness, and trauma so that you might be free.

    Before this can be scheduled, we need to set up a complimentary 15-minute mini-session to answer questions and talk specifics about how this intensive can serve you. Email Miki to set up that time.


  • It may have happened recently, or your marriage may have been gradually sinking, but you know that your marriage could be better. You may even need a rescue.

    The Biblical curriculum of this intensive creates a road to love, commitment, and joy that is designed for you, the wife.

    The problems you are facing were not all created by you, but this work is surprisingly effective for creating change and healing in a marriage. When your heart and mind shift, your outcomes and relationships change as well. Like the X in an algebraic equation, when the “value” of that “x” changes, the outcome changes. As your understanding and grace-filled identity deepen, the health of your marriage shifts forward.

    This intensive includes 8 one-on-one coaching sessions as well as video resources you can watch alone or share with your husband to start healing conversations. You will complete this coaching intensive with better tools and understanding to influence and strengthen your marriage.

    Before this can be scheduled, we need to set up a complimentary 15-minute mini-session to answer questions and talk specifics about how this intensive can serve you. Email Miki to set up that time.


  • This intensive is 9 one-on-one sessions over 12 weeks using my very successful NuSTART weight loss plan. We customize the program to match your needs and lifestyle, meeting regularly on Zoom to review results and plan for the next step.

    Weight Loss is about far more than the number on a scale. Our objective is a lifestyle that brings the freedom of forever healthy weight! Hundreds have experienced this with the understanding and help this program brings.

    Before this can be scheduled, we need to set up a complimentary 15-minute mini-session to answer questions and talk specifics about how this intensive can serve you. Email Miki to set up that time.


  • A Coach can bring such support for so many different things. Coaching is to help you move forward toward a desired outcome.

    Over the years I have coached hundreds of women for hundreds of different objectives. Things like getting clarity in a situation, managing stress, getting unstuck, changing careers, getting a promotion, resolving conflict with a relative, boss, or employee, sharpening leadership skills, creating more friendships, and many more. What would you like help with?

    Typically, I contract in 4-session blocks at $60 –$75 a session. Email me to set up a complimentary 15-minute mini-session to explore how coaching can help you move forward.

Let’s work together

Interested in having me as your coach? Tell me a bit about your coaching goals and I’ll be in touch shortly!

hourglass near book & purple flowers
vase of purple flowers

✺ Frequently Asked Questions ✺

  • A coach helps you discover a path for moving forward. The moving forward is yours to do. Creating the path is what happens between you and your coach.

  • Counseling interacts with and works to realign the broken places and beliefs from our pasts.

    Coaching focuses on moving from where you are now to a future you desire. While acknowledging the influences of your past, coaching encourages awareness of what else can be true, creating new beliefs and mindsets that bring life and hope.

  • First, it increases awareness. We look at your life from the perspective of calling and purpose, dreams, and desires. You learn to witness your own life, with no judgment in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    Second, it helps you uncover the underlying motivations that have defined you. In that awareness, God can speak life into the unique spark he created in you.

    Third, it aligns your thinking and emotions with your vision for your life.

    Finally, it clears the fog on what actions to take. It's your catalyst for transformation. You learn to make life-altering commitments.

    You honor the promises you make to yourself as you find your cherished place in the heart of the Father and take hold of your future

  • I am certified as a life coach (Coach University with Thomas Leonard), a life purpose coach (Katie Brazelton), and an Enneagram coach (Spectrum Integrative Training with Jerome Wagner).  Ongoing training and workshops to sharpen and strengthen my skills are a continuing part of my education.

    Most valuable of all however is a lifetime of walking in the instruction of God’s truth and 25 years of helping hundreds of clients reach goals and experience new freedom and purpose.

  • We begin from the reality that God is good and always for us. He has good works for us to do and has given us unique gifts and abilities, equipping us to do those good works. We stand in the truth that the gospel brings freedom to us and the presence of the Holy Spirit compels us to the works of love, for our own life as well as the lives of others.

    From these truths, the goal of my coaching is to guide the client to personal direction and actions that bring long-term self-management and transformational growth.

    I come to the client as both mentor and coach. Mentoring is bringing to you what God has given me; coaching is drawing out of you what God has put in you.

  • I contract in 4-session blocks. The first round of coaching most often includes a  60-minute foundation call, followed by 3 weekly half-hour Zoom calls. Coaching contracted after that is scheduled in blocks of 4 weekly or bi-weekly Zoom calls.

  • All my one-on-one coaching, including the guided 1 x 1 “courses”, begins with a complimentary “mini-session” call where I answer your questions and you share with me the outcomes you desire. In that call, we can set initial objectives and discuss schedule availability. Go to the form below to fill in the inquiry form and email me to set up your free ‘mini-session’.

    If you are ready to start right away, we can set our schedule during that call. You are also welcome to take some time to consider if this is for you. This is truly an information call and in no way a “sales” call.

  • This depends on what is involved in your coaching process, but the rule of thumb is between $60 and $90 per session as you begin. Future blocks may be at a lesser rate depending on scheduling needs.